Cross-lingual transfer learning

Speaker: Mona Diab (Facebook & GWU)

Date and Time: October 23,2020


In this talk I will talk about rumor detection and propagation, the role of message content compared to social network factors. Furthermore I will share with you some work on the role of causality and coherence in the propagation of such content, finally I will discuss the nuance of satire vs. offensive speech and how impactful that is in the context of misinformation detection.


Mona Diab is a Research Scientist with FB AI and she is also a full Professor of CS at GW University where she heads the CARE4Lang NLP Lab. Before joining FB, she led the Lex Conversational AI project within Amazon AWS AI. Her interests span building robust technologies for low resource scenarios with a special interest in Arabic technologies, (mis) information propagation, computational socio-pragmatics, NLG evaluation metrics, and resource creation. She has served the community in several capacities: Elected President of SIGLEX and SIGSemitic. She is also a founding member of *SEM. She currently serves as the senior area chair for multiple top tier conferences. She has published more that 220 peer reviewed articles.